During the process of formation and development so far, “Sen Do Supermarket” has constantly improved in terms of both technology platform, scale and service quality. The decision to choose and cooperate with Goong is one of the important decisions in the process of perfecting the technology platform, the core factor that helps Sen Do increase the customer experience towards sustainable development.

Determined to surpass yourself
Sendo, also known as “Super Sen Do”, is one of the major e-commerce platforms in Vietnam, established and operating under the auspices of FPT Shop. September 2012 marks the birth of Sendo, now Sendo is just an e-commerce project developed by FPT Online Services Joint Stock Company. By 2014, through the operation process, Sendo Technology Joint Stock Company was officially born, opening a big turning point for the strong development of Sen Do now and in the future.
Sendo operates both B2C (business-to-consumer) and C2C (consumer-to-consumer) models. The platform currently serves more than 300,000 sellers and 10 million buyers, and is focusing on expanding beyond major cities. About two-thirds of Sendo’s orders are placed from provinces outside the two big cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
In 2021, Sen Do officially chose to cooperate with Goong, integrating Goong’s Maps APIs system on its platform with the desire to create a smart shopping environment, aiming to change shopping habits for customers. Vietnamese people.
The process of applying Goong in practice
To talk about the cooperation process with Goong, Mr. Dong, a representative of the information technology department, shared: “In order to build an effective e-commerce platform, the integration of API Map is one of the key factors. extremely important factor. Therefore, finding a party that provides quality Map APIs is a necessary task.
Red lotus has also been used through APIs of foreign suppliers, but in the process of use, in Vietnam will encounter many limitations such as: Location information is not specific and detailed in areas. suburban areas, suburban areas, rural areas … even related to the issue of territorial sovereignty, and most importantly, some foreign suppliers such as google map block payments in Vietnam, causing The use of the services of these providers is very limited. That’s why Sen Do decided to look for a service provider in Vietnam.
Through research, I found Goong, the API system is also full to meet 90% of the requirements, so I decided to try it and found that the integration process is quite easy, the API quality is stable and effective. High capacity, availability up to 98%. With such quality of service and reasonable price along with coming from a Vietnamese supplier, Sen Do decided to use Goong.”
When asked about how Goong’s API is used by Sen Do? He added: “The Red Lotus operates in a way that allows partners to open booths to sell products and goods on the system, thereby allowing users to participate in using the web/app to make purchases. Then the first API is to determine the address and location of the store, when the user logs in to the system, makes a purchase, it is best to be able to immediately locate the exact or closest location of the store. shoppers, allowing them to search for the fastest and most convenient address. Once the location of the shop (booth) has been determined and the location to be delivered, the distance will be calculated, and the shipping fee will be calculated in the case of a fee-based delivery.
Thus, for e-commerce activities, the most used API is still the API that supports fast address search, location positioning and accurate distance calculation. And all of these APIs of Goong are committed to ensuring 95% of both quality and performance, the API availability at the moment is 100%. These are also the APIs of Goong’s strength.
Related article: https://goong.io/tin-tuc/be-da-ung-dung-goong-map-vao-tren-he-thong-nhu-the-nao/
Along with the constantly improved product quality and the strength of reasonable prices, Goong is ready to accompany Sen Do for a long time to conquer all challenges on the way ahead, towards the goal of meeting increasingly high standards. needs of customers and actually become “Super Market” for Vietnamese people.